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Todd Shelton is manufactured exclusively in the United States

How Avoiding Hard Decisions Is Preventing You From Looking Better

When the brain is simultaneously faced with two decisions—an easy decision and a hard decision—the mind will always want to choose the easy decision. People who are willing to focus on the hard decisions seem to be more successful in life.

If you are engaged with our brand, you understand that the most creative aspects of our product is in its internal mechanics. The complexity of our work is delivering a host of measurements (i.e., fit options) precisely and consistently with every order.

The value of our product is fully realized when a customer takes the time to understand the available fit options and how these options benefit him. But conventional wisdom says more options create harder decisions, often resulting in no decision.

Don’t let our multiple fit options (which are unquestionably the ‘hard decision’ for your brain) deter you from engaging in a clothing discussion. Or worse, push you into making an ‘easy decision’ which will only maintain the status quo with your fit and style. Instead, we challenge you to learn how our fits will benefit you…because they will.

An easy way to begin a conversation about your fit is to reach out to our team. A quick email to telling us your fit concerns is enough to get started.