Todd Shelton
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Fit reco
Home try-on
HTO let’s you evaluate our fits before ordering, risk-free.
We’ll send you a few sizes to try on. Find a size you like, then learn how to fine-tune the fit using our custom options.
A worksheet lists all of your fit options.
Once you decide on your fit, you can place your order.
If you don’t find your fit, there’s no obligation to order.
We understand you’re trying things out.
Next, answer questions about your fit.
What size shirt do you try on 1st?
We offer in-between sizes.
What size shirt would you try on 2nd, if the 1st didn't fit?
How tall are you?
We have fit options for all heights.
How much do you weigh?
Which best matches your sleeve length?
For short sleeves, what sleeve length do you prefer?
How do you like t-shirts to fit around your neck?
Generally, what is your waist size for pants?
How would you describe your stomach?
How would you describe your arm size?
How would you describe your shoulder width?
How do you like t-shirts to fit?
Which t-shirt fit do you typically choose?
How is the overall length of most t-shirts?
Anything else you'd like to tell us about you and t-shirts?
Next, let us tell you what to expect after you place your Home try-on order.
You'll be assigned a fit planner who can answer questions if you have them.
In 1-2 days, your fit planner will email you the sizes they plan to send you.
You'll need to reply to proceed.
Home try-on t-shirts have standard fit options (not custom fit options).
Home try-on t-shirts are typically sent in 155 Navy fabric.
Plus, we'll include a fabric swatch of your host product:
155 LS Henley Black
Expect to receive your Home try-on in about one week.
Sometimes we need to make more, if so, it could take a little longer.
A worksheet will walk you through the step-by-step process of making your fit selections.
Once you make your fit selections, you can order online.
The last step is returning all the sizes with a pre-paid label.
You'll have 7 days with Home try-on. If you need more time, just let us know.
That's it. Please complete your order, and let's get started!
We’re looking forward to helping you find your best t-shirt fit.